Wednesday, August 22, 2007


LUST is the name if this really awesome image I ganked from this group of really awesome artists that I highly recommend you check out. It's also the title of today's post because it is far and away my number one character defect. I went on a bit yesterday about how my self esteem depends on who I'm fucking, how young, beautiful and when I'm not in a monogamous relationship (which ain't often) how numerous they are. Funny thing is I WANT to be in a monogamous relationship. Besides the obvious health hazards of multiple partners it's a hassle scheduling them all in and paying them all just enough attention to keep them fucking me without breaking the bank or my dick off. And then there's the bite marks, scratches, etc, etc... Oy. But I digress. It all relates to ladder theory. We all want to be with the richest, smartest, most beautiful person and sanest person we can be with, right? Unfortunately those are often mutually exclusive. By and large the prettier they are the dumber they are (women) and likewise the richer the uglier (men). I'm generalizing here but that's OK because we know that all generalizations are false. Including that one. Also, if they DO happen to be rich, smart and pretty the likelihood of insanity goes up in direct proportion to the quality of those attributes. Sometimes they're poor, dumb, ugly AND insane and we end up fucking them anyway because we are so fucking horny all the time. And by WE I mean US. Our name is Legion! Ahem. Where were we? So anyway all I want is a rich, beautiful, smart and sane woman to love me and cherish me until death do us part so I can do the same for her. That's not so far fetched, is it? Hello? Is this thing on?

Speaking of insanity, a certain friend of mine is sexy, an absolutely totally fabulous panic in bed, and smart as a whip. Alas, she is trapped in an unhappy marriage by fear AND the irrational belief that, because she doesn't look like the anorexic 17 year old incest victims in Marie Claire, she's ugly. Those close to her know this weakness and use it to hurt her and she actually BELIEVES these people when they tell her she's ugly or that other people think she is. Silly rabbit! What other people think about you is OF NO CONSEQUENCE. The ONLY thing that matters is what YOU think about you. Also, YOU ARE NOT ALONE. And for the nothing that it's worth (see previous statement) I think you're fabulous and you have great taste in shoes. I still hate the tan dress. That is all.


Zoely said...

your friend is SO LUCKY to have you for a pal.

lime said...

you are just surrounded by insane women aren't you? lol

Keyser Soze said...



but you repeat yourself

Unknown said...

You are so impatient!!!

Winterswan said...

Anorexic models suck!!!! I'm glad you're supportive of your friend, who is probably much sexier than those skinny, starved looking models. I hate that look. How did looking like you need to be fed become sexy??? It's painful to look at!!!! Anyway, I personally will be making some pasta sauce later today!!!! Have a great weekend!!!!!

Vixen said...

SO many great points you brought up!

(((your friend))) btdt...very difficult place to be.......