OK, I'm feeling the ladies' pain today. Beauty magazines sell you impossible body images while porn sells it to your men. No one can live up to that ideal. By now you know my obsession with building stellar abs by the end of the year. The problem is I'm Furry, Fuzzy & Hairy. TRY to find a picture of a guy with a hairy chest and killer abs. I'll wait. Guess what: apparently they don't exist. Evidently in order to have a killer 6-pack I must be rid of my body hair. Why do hairy chests imply a big fat ugly beer gut? Why are guys with no body hair the ideal? I'm fucking talking to YOU fucking Brad Pitt. Is it the same reason guys like shaved punani, because it implies youth? When I see a guy with no body hair and crazy abs the first thing I think is "Teh. Ghey." As a straight guy am I sending the wrong message if I nair? No way I'm shaving, waxing or plucking. That would make me insane. How would it look and feel growing back in? YUCK! Can't I have the body I want without that? For the record I prefer real breasts and furry snatch. Your thoughts? Tonight I'll post some examples.
I like a man to have some chest hair so that I can run my fingers through it when we are naked together.
i like my men to have *some* body hair but not too much and for myself i prefer a WAXED not shaven "punani" (lemme say here, the whole "vajajay nickname was asinine) only because it heightens the sensations for ME.
Brad Pit is scrawny and NOT attractive, way too pretty. Sorry.
personally i love all the things that make a man's body distincitvely masculine and that includes body hair. broad, sturdy, hairy....yes please.
Your hair is wonderful, very masculine and sexy. I don't want some prepubescent boy - I want a MAN.
I do prefer a little trimming down below for all parties (not necessarily smooth, but trimmed) just to avoid the hair-in-the-teeth issue. More a practical consideration than an aesthetic one.
I'm with Zoely on this one. I wax purely because it has benefits for ME.
I've often looked at the stereotypical abs pics of men and wondered how much of it is natural, and how much of it has been photoshopped? SURELY there can't be that many hairless men in the world?!
Computer, air brushing...you name it they do it. A little "cleaned cut" is nice.
It's sad what images are in our minds and what we do to ourselves to try and compare. I'd rather be me than a wafer thin person without a REAL smile and lines to go with it! Love handles and ALL!!
I think a little chest hair is a good thing. Who wants a guy who looks like he's 12???
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