Mondays is traditionally a low traffic day here in blog land. In fact ever since I went underground my traffic all around has dropped considerably. This is a real aggravation to me but being public had its own issues. Besides people from work and such knowing entirely too much about what a freak I really am it seemed that every woman I dated or wanted to date (from blogland or beyond) had major issues with my posts. I admit I've toned it down quite a bit even here. I just can't take the heat. That's sad because it was a really good outlet for my insanity. Oh well.
Last night I dreamed that myself and a group of friends were taking part in a manhunt. As in WE were being hunted for sport by other humans. I was in the process of outlining the plan to my team "We are absolutely going to kill every single last one of these motherfuckers." when a cop showed up and wanted to arrest me for one I had already killed. Clearly I watch too many movies. I've gotten absolutely nowhere with NANOWRIMO again this year. I didn't even register. I spent yesterday (probaby the last nice day until April) in my basement recording with another band. I've made a bit of progress in the gym but the dieting thing is a HUGE struggle. I'm having a hard time staying away from BOTH sweets and carbs. If I don't have the one I'm craving the other and vice versa. I'm tired of everything being a struggle. Don't drink, don't use drugs, don't smoke, go to the gym all the time, don't eat sweets or carbs...fuck! In fact it seems my only remaining vice (if you can call it that) is sex and I'm getting precious little of that! I'm looking forward to my meeting today. *Sigh*
1 comment:
well, i don't have many vices to begin with and since sex aint much of an option i eat. bring on the damned chocolate already.
been having some seriously weird dreams myself lately. SERIOUSLY weird.
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