Well Mercury has gone retrograde:MercurySince everything to all outward appearances is fine and yet I'm thoroughly depressed I'm going to blame it all on that (as if I needed a reason!) It's been a long time since suicide was the first solution to occur to me when I felt sad so I knew something was up. Totally lethargic? Check. Unable to focus, concentrate, sleep or even care? Check. Wishing you owned a gun and a bullet? Check.
OK then! Typical symptons (sorry, SIDE EFFECTS) of anti-depressent drugs?
Dry mouth
Diarrhea or constipation
Problems with sexual health
Problems sleeping
Weight changes
Yeesh! Yeah, thanks. I think I'll go fuck myself instead. "When masturbation's lost its fun you're fucking breaking." Last night I caught myself singing "I'd rather have a bootle in front of me than to have to have a frontal lobotomy". Not good.
well i hope mercury does whatever it needs to do to get you out of the funk. just hope it doesn't have to conjoin with uranus. (yeah , i have the sense of humor of a 12 yr old boy)
I hope you find what you need to break free of your funk. Drugs have worked well for me, but that's just me. They aren't for everyone.
Praying for you to maintain your sobriety through this difficult time.
LOL @ Lime's "conjoin with uranus" joke.
these kinds of posts worry me.
I had SUCH a Mercury retrograde day yesterday... no wonder!!!
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