Coke Zero
I have an addictive personality. I drank Budweiser and smoked Marlboro reds for 25 years and did whatever party favors came my way without hesitation. Even after 15 months sober (466 days but who's counting?) I readily substitute other addictions. When I first got sober I drank coffee like water, doubled my cigarette intake and lost 12 pounds working out every day. Then I switched to coca-cola and immediately put the weight all back on. Then I quit smoking, switched to coke zero and took the weight back off but it's a struggle to hold it down to 175 pounds and I really want to get down to 165. I know I shouldn't bitch because everyone ELSE who quits smoking GAINS weight, but this is ME. I'M DIFFERENT! Right. Same as everyone else. So, I've been trying to maintain a hi protein low carb diet without much success. I last all week and then binge on pop tarts and donuts. Oh well. Progress not perfection. It came up that even zero calorie coke is a hindrance to weight loss. It seems counter intuitive since IT HAS ZERO FUCKIN CALORIES, but that's what I'm hearing all over. Something about the sucralose making my body ACT as if it was sugar and fuckin up the insulin & calorie burning. Sometimes I think no one knows ANYTHING about diet and weight loss and it's all made up. Skinny people are fuckin skinny and fat people are fuckin fat and that's that. I know that's not true, it just FEELS that way sometimes. When I drank every day people would say "You wouldn't sit down and drink 12 Cokes at one sitting, would you? At the time I said no but evidently that's false. At any rate that's the next thing on my quit list. It's 6 pack abs or die! That means starting real soon (tomorrow! :-) It's ALWAYS tomorrow) NO MORE SODA. Gah! That creeps me out just to WRITE! Yeesh! Pray to the junkie maker. BTW I commented on EVERYONE'S HNT and nearly no one commented back. So to those comment hogs who can't return the favor? YOU SUCK!
you know i try not to hold a grudge or bitch abou the non-commenters? but this is my position: you get exactly 3 comments from me and if you haven't commented back by the 3rd, you're done. And guess what, m*therf*ckahs, commenting back on to me on your own site? DOES. NOT. COUNT.
anyone who DIDN'T come comment on your hotness yesterday MISSED OUT 'cause that pic was (is) HOT HOT HOT.
you, Keyser, are NOT fat. you look awesome. Good luck with the soda thing...you might find you get sick less often if you're flushing your body out regularly with plain old water? but what do i know.
have a great weekend.
As someone who gives up Coke at least 3 times a year, let me tell you, about the 3rd or 4th day you'll get really tired and have a splitting headache. Don't give in! You'll sleep better!
Mate cutting out the coke won't help. Go for low FAT not low Carb. So you can still eat potatoes, pasta, rice and still lose weight, and drink as much diet coke as you like! But hey, what do I know (the lady who's lost over 100lb and does weight loss for a living)
no i don't think anyone knows anythign about diet except i do think the more you keep your foods close to a normal natural state and not uber processed the better, and then eat whatever the hell ya wnat in moderation
for example....i wont touch margarine but only use butter...butter=natural margaine=not
well what do i know...i'm fat. obviously i have trouble with the moderation thing myself.
I think Vi is right; I'm not fat and I eat carbs. I've even been losing weight while still eating those things. I work out and eat less and don't eat a ton of sugary foods (ie, desserts) and it seems to work. I've never really liked soda, but I sometimes will drink a diet Coke here and there. I'm with you, though; when I first quit drinking I was taking in a pot of coffee every morning. Whooo Hoooo!!! It's a good that THAT changed after awhile. Buzzzz. Buzzz.
PS--You didn't comment on my Thursday blog!!!! Harumph!!
u know...
for the record...
mr pissy pants...
i was the MG the week on HNT..
& no comment from U..
take it back...
or get spanked...
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