Monday, October 29, 2007

Sick again

I don't think there's anyone on the internet who hasn't yet heard of LOLCATZ and Cheezburgers but there's the link. If you like funneh animule pictchas wit funneh capshuns dat's da move. I haven't posted much because I've been sick. Again. I've had more colds in the last year than in the previous ten years combined. I'm WAY past pissed off about it now. For 5 straight days I've been fighting it off mostly by sleeping but last night it finally arrived. So I'm at work feeling shitty knowing that if my blood had a proof this wouldn't be happening. I promise good pictures and stories from Key West soon. Happy Fuckin Monday. Bleah.


lime said...

man, you really have spent a lot of time under the weather for months. are you eating properly? anyway, rest up as much as you can and feel better soon. hugs

Bunny said...

I love Icanhascheezburger!

So sorry you are sick again . . . does make one wonder if alcohol kills the viruses . . . but better alive with a cold than dead from drinking (like my grandma who died at 58 and was GREEN because of the liver damage)

Winterswan said...

Feel better soon! We've been sick alot on this end as well-way more than normal. I started running again today, so I'm hoping exercise will help boost my immune system. If nothing else, it's almost 4:30pm and I'm not tired, which is saying ALOT.

Lady in red said...

I'm afraid I liked this kitten so much I had to pinch him for one of my blogs. I just know my friends will love him.

Anonymous said...

Yes... you are getting sick very often.... Vitamins, maybe????
But, hey... a cold is a cold... and we both know that a man's cold is one of those cold... ;-) You'll be on your both feet in not long... I'm sure of that!