Friday, February 29, 2008

How I Got Kilt in AZ

I wanted to do unspeakable things with this girl in AZ. She had the only yellow kilt (and a boyfriend 6 feet 2) and I was absolutely smitten. She was a gymnast and was casually doing backflips which made my heart do the same. A foine Scot's beauty she was!

Madison Sq. Garden has a nifty new feature on their website that lets you see where your seats are in relation to the stage. Here are my seats for Van Halen. I'm pumped!
Also I just found out I got Police tickets for my birthday. W00T!


M said...

there was A LOT of yumminess that day ...huh? proven by my FULL 2GB memory card......LOL

Anonymous said...

Hey...last visit here...but happy birthday & congrats on your accomplishment.

•♥•m•♥• said...

~Happy celebration !~
all around ..... gonna be a gr8 yr for u.....

Bunny said...

Happy (belated) birthday!! Welcome to 40. It's not as horrible as I thought it would be; hopefully you'll find the same.
