Monday, February 4, 2008

I Am A Camera - I am what I play

You pisces are a walking talking camera. You take pictures of everything. You are then very influenced by what you just took a picture of. Movies can affect you like a real life experience. Be wise about what you let into your mind because you can be controlled by your subconscious. You may think you need to escape reality by movies or eating or sleeping or drinking or drugs. Why? Because you fear. You came into this life to face fear, not be overcome by it or dwell on it as in horror movies. You can not afford to get lazy. Or spacey or think you have this problem or that. You have to get tough. Hangups are your own creation and you can uncreate your problems through spiritual developement. You would do well to work in hospitals or glamour professions. Or the movie industry. Photography music or art are places in life you can contribute if you keep on the high side of morals, values, intrigrity. The horror movie is not the answer but may be an attraction to you because it is a way to work out your fear so you think. You have to be so careful of what you put your attention on because your a sponge. You can be subliminial seduced so watch and show discipline about what you allow to go into your minds eye. You are a camara. You open up your aura and the demons come on in when you put your attention on wrong things. You can also walk such a path of sainthood that the world is saved by your presence. You are happiest when you serve without hope of reward. You came to heal others. SO get out of self and get up and doing. You can inspire the lowest of the low with your compassion and mercy. The world needs this from you. You can absorb others pain as if it was your own. But learn to keep yourself separate from theirs, so you do not get blinded. Still help them because you are the only one who can. Stop playing records of the past. Be honest with your self and others and see how they run to be held by you. Take off the rose colored glasses and overcome your fears. Deal with your psychology and if you have done all these things then go save the world. It is your calling in life to heal.

WTf?!?!?! Jesus, when did I become Jesus with a camera??? All I want is to have lots of fabulously raging sex, and have fun pursuing my creative muses. Why the hell I have to save the world? Bah! Didn't I have enough of a messianic complex as it was? Damn Jean Hart Astrology.


lime said...

astrology juxtaposed with theology and cinematography...i think i just slipped down the rabbit hole!

Serenity said...

Setting aside some of the really wack stuff, there are a few gems hidden in this... very cool. I'm Pisces AND a photographer and it's easy to use photog as a barrier between myself and the world. Interesting. But all slightly dippy, too. :)

Keyser Soze said...

Yes. I hate to admit how eerily accurate it is in spots.

Johanne said...

Ouch!! You're diving deep!!! But... I went to your photo site, and, OMG! How beautiful!!! You are lucky to have very interesting models too... ;-))
Congrats, and don't give up!

Elaine Denning said...

Wow. You're a blue camera.
I'm blue too.
How 'bout that!