Monday, February 11, 2008

Needs a pig

I'm really pleased with this image I took this weekend. IT just looks so...professional! There's something...I dunno...STOCK looking about it. It's the quintessential power plant picture. It needs a flying pig ballon though. I had a productive weekend seemingly. Got a lot of chores done, and tied up a lot of loose ends. Updated ANDYT13 to include my new FLICKR account and generally got on with a lot of stuff I was meant to get along with. Yay me!


Bunny said...

Yay you! Great pic too!

Vi said...

Do pigs really fly?

Hey keyser, I don't know if you are interested, but a group of us are preparing a blog book and asking for submissions. If you are interested, pop over to get the details.

Vi x

•♥•m•♥• said...

sorry snookums.....
but your linkypoo didnt work....goes off into link land & returns an ugly error.... =(

Keyser Soze said...

Thanks! Fixed.

Winterswan said...

Cool picture!!! It does have that "postcards from the power plant" kind of feel to it. =) We had a good weekend as well, but mine involved Chuck E. Cheese....