Monday, May 14, 2007

My God! It's full of stars!

Click it to big it. Awesome!!! A lot of folks worked hard to make this image but I forget who they were so I'll just say thank you to them. Death Valley (where this was taken) is very near the bottom of places I want to visit someday. I'd rather be here than Antarctica, but only just. Maybe in a flying saucer would be OK, but certainly not in any non-temperature controlled environment. Where do you want to go in a flying saucer today?


ALRO said...

The link to the image can be found at the nasa site:

I thought they would have who took the picture on their site too - but they don't ... oh well.. Very cool pic of Death Valley..

Lots of cool pics at that site...

Winterswan said...

Wow!! Beautiful!!!! I haven't posted in a few days---too busy!!!!

lime said...

wild shot. where do i wanna fly? hhmm....someplace with mountains and a beach i think....

~d said...

(Space Odyssey)? 2010 ?
*crap, KS...which one?!

~d said...

maybe 2001...

Can you hear this link, KS?