Monday, July 23, 2007

Holding on to resentments

Fuck it.
I am a seething cauldron of resentment.

I resent you for leaving me. I resent you for taking all the best that I had to give and throwing it away. I resent your thoughtless, selfish, self centered abandonment. I resent that my best wasn't good enough to hold onto; to fight for.

While we're on the subject, I resent you for giving up. In sight of the finish line (or the starting line) you GAVE UP! You fucking coward! You lame assed pathetic loser! You quit! Threw in the towel! And for WHAT?!?! NOTHING!!!!!!!!! THAT'S FUCKING WHAT!


I can't abide quitters. There must be a circle of hell reserved for you.
See you the fuck there you fucker. Meh.

One of these applies to a lover, and one to a so-called Captain. In some ways they're interchangable though. They both gave up. Fuck them both. Half-assed chicken shit bitches.


lime said...

yeah, i kinda got that...just so long as you don't quit....

Vixen said...

Hmm...... I feel for you, Babe.

I hope you can move past this.


Elaine Denning said...

I feel your anger.

Now chill. x

Joanna Cake said...

Vent... vent... vent... and breathe. Can empathise with your anguish about quitters but you cant let your anger eat away at you. You have to let it go or at least rechannel it to fuel another emotion. Great blog name. Ever since I first saw The Usual Suspects Ive been fascinated by the name and the terror it inspired.

m_o_o_nspells said...

I totally get these sentiments...and the anger and other stuff behind them. I get the advice to move on too...but I've found it's easier said than done. Sorry for how you're feeling and I hope it begins to get better soon...

Julie said...

It's nice to have a place to unabashedly rant isn't it???