Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Good news; bad news

But which is which is difficult to say. The bad news (as I see it right now) is that the last two gigs which paid $500 and which I thought went really well are refusing to book us again. Reason? They didn't care for the style of music. They being the owners apparently since the people at the bar were clearly into it. That seems alarming and counter-intuitive but it sent me into and absolute funk. So in a fit of pique I bought a guitar on ebay. The same guitar I played in Sam Ash music Sunday went for $1600. I got this one for $900 (inculding shipping). I'm hoping I like it but if not maybe I can sell it and make a couple hundred dollars on the deal. Here she is:

I also decided that it's time to take action. None of my sober friends want to come to bar to hear us play and I can't blame them. So I decided to find a hall or some such place where they'll let us play (hopefully for free or some small token amount) where I can sell tickets. If the three of us can sell 20 $10 tickets each we'll make $600 and I can start at 9PM, play two sets and make the same money without having to spend all night in a bar full of nasty drunks. That's my plan. Wish me luck.


lime said...

so what's the new girl's name?

and good luck with the sober gig. i like the idea. hope that geos well for you.

ALRO said...

Nice Axe man!!! beautimous.
too bad yer not in Ottawa man..
We have 3 blues bars - where the people go just to watch your brand of tunes!!!

Hell I'd even sing for ya for a couple of tunes! Start Tourin' ! :)

Zoely said...

well good luck but i just finished reading the post below and i, for one, am a girl who LOVES being looked at like a pork chop. MMMMMMMMMM want me, baby!

nope said...

Luck luck luck :)

Anonypus said...

I wish YOU the luck, friend!

Pretty Girl, YOUR geetar ;)

Bittersweet said...


Winterswan said...

Sweet gueetar!!!! Hey, the hall idea sounds great. Maybe ya'll will come up with something fantastic because of this seeming setback. Turn it into something great!!!!

Joanna Cake said...

Luck from over here too x