Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Romantic Obsessive

I am recommending art by Mike Daigeaun today. Just because I freak out about eating a few Oreo cookies when I'm working out two hours a day doesn't mean I'm obsessive.
I just want abs like these. OK, better than these even:

I have body image issues. When I drank every day, weighed 200 lbs and had a big beer gut I thought "Hey, I don't look so bad." but I was a fat pig. Now that I weigh 180 and excercise like a nut people tell me I look great but I still feel like a fat pig. Go figure.
"Sex is as important as eating or drinking and we ought to allow the one appetite to be satisfied with as little restraint or false modesty as the other." –Marquis De Sade


lime said...

ok, laugh all ya want at my two oreo suggestion:P

Real Live Lesbian said...

Those are some fine abs!

You look amazing. Believe it.

Zoely said...

not really clear to me where the romantic part of the obsession comes in?

Keyser Soze said...

Romantic obsession is just the name of the painting.

Although I suppose the idea that being in incredibly good physical shape will make me more attractive (and therefore more likely to haveromance in my life) could well be considered part of the obsession as well.

Meh. Everyone gets a C in reading comprehension today LOL