Monday, March 17, 2008

Happy St. Pats/Wearin Of The Green

Well, these Lillies are MOSTLY green...more pix from the Philly Flower Show HERE.I have mixed feelings about St. Pats. I'm more proud of my Irish ancestry than ever but being sober now I feel it's a bit of a shame that the thing my countrymen are best known for is getting pissed. Have a look HERE for a bit more about Irish culture besides a Pint O' Guiness. No tha thar's aught wrang wi thae! Even when I was a proper drunk I didn't much care for Guiness tho. I couldn't readily drink 30 of them at a sitting so...
As for The Saint himself well...I've heard it said that the legend of him driving snakes from Ireland's shores is a metaphor for his persecution of Pagans. Not sure if that's true but I will go so far as to say that the Catholic Church has much to answer for in Ireland and abroad, but then again so does all of organized religion.
A dear friend at the doctor for her 2nd mammogram in a week. Apparently they wanted another look. Since she already survived breast cancer once we are none too happy about them wanting another look. Doubly so as they won't say WHY but apparently they never do. Anyway I'm worried and I'm praying hard for knowledge of God's will and the strength to carry that out fearlessly no matter what. It is not easy.


Elaine Denning said...

Sending my prayers with everything crossed. x

Vi said...

Glad to hear your mate is okay. Nothing worse than a scare like that. Happy P day!

JerseySjov said...

i tend to skim while i first read thru things, and i read the edit as 'thank you god for boobies,' haha
but that's great news. healthy boobies are the best kind.

Bella Dreamer said...

Pretty flowers.

I am glad to hear that the boobies are okay! Good for your dear friend, you and all else close to her. :)

lime said...

hope you made it through yesterdya ok and glad to hear the breasteses are fine and dandy.