Wednesday, March 5, 2008


I'm bummed today because someone has been impugning my character to someone I care about. I've had plenty of female company but I'm hardly "a player". I try to keep my karma clean and make sure everyone knows where they stand. I NEVER tell two or more women at once that I love them or that they're the only one if they aren't. That would be MY definition of "A Player". I could strike back but I know who I am and I know I have integrity. If you DON'T know me then you have no right to talk shit about me and you should mind your own business and shut the fuck up. BECAUSE I treat people with respect it's pretty rare that this type of thing happens to me so it throws me off. Anyone else ever have a relative stranger slagging you off?


lime said...

yep, i've been slagged. my feeling is that my true friends know who i am and what i am about. the rest don't much matter.

hang in there.

Vi said...

Ummm, yeah, like here in blogland! I've actually just done a rant on it myself. Must be the day for it. And I'm glad to hear you are not a player keyser.

Bunny said...

Yep, I have.

Pay the slagger no regard. I think the person you care about knows who you are and won't take the slagger seriously. You know who you are, your friend knows who you are, and the slagger can just bite it.

Hugs hon.

JerseySjov said...

as a girl who enjoys herself in bed, i get way more than my fair share of haters.
if you let them bring you down then they've done their job.

•♥•m•♥• said...

well....I am w/ the consensus here... =) ((smart bunch we are ...LOL))

u cant ever control what others think...U can only do what u know is best for you and those u care for....everything else? meh.....



Winterswan said...

Yeah, I've had that happen, for sure. The people who truly care about you will come to you and ask questions, rather than just believe what your detractor tells them, but it's hard. When I first got with my husband a former chickie of his tried to meddle to break us apart; never was I more glad than then that I'd been the brunt of such an attack before. I asked him about what she'd said and we straightened it out. Don't sweat the Yuckie; she doesn't deserve to have any space rented in your head!

Felicity said...

i think that people who don't know you have no right to say anything about you, BUT i also think that it's probably beneficial all around if YOUR definition of "player" coincides with your partner's/partners's defintion of player. Communication is key to being an ethical slut.