Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Back from Key West Florida

Drag Queens and Homos and Bikers, Oh My! Yes kids, I'm back from Sunny Florida. In case you forgot I flew to Miami Saturday morning, got on a rented Harley, and drove to Key West for the first few days of Fantasy Fest, where the freaks flaunt their stuff all week long. I had an OK time although I was pretty depressed since the last time I was in Key West was with Brenda and we had originally planned this trip having done it in one day in a rush last year during her friends wedding in Islamorada. So I ended up visiting all the places we went and feeling bad because I'm a glutton for punishment. On the upside I didn't drink or smoke despite considerable temptation to do so. Possibly not a wise place to go or time to go there but whatever. There were lots of drag queens, gays, bikers, drunks and druggies of all descriptions and lots of gratuitous sex and nudity. My kind of place. Before I post pics and such I just want to apologize about the previous posts. I was in a bad place emotionally and ranting about human physical attractiveness in ridiculously stereotypical ways. What can I say? I'm feeling a little depressed about the way I look and feeling inadequate to attract a permanent mate that I find attractive. I didn't mean to offend anyone. PS I now have a REALLY cool new tattoo!


lime said...

your ability to attract a mate will not have as much to do with the externals as the internals, imho.

sorry you were feeling a little blue during your trip. it does say the least.

Anonymous said...

Hey, I've been there!! :)

I wanna see the tattoo...

Shibari said...

It is most important for pictures of this new tattoo to be on this blog ASAP...
We all have these moments of introspection... I am sorry you have been so sad. I wish that i could do something to help lift your spirits...
Keyser~* you are an amazing person... you have a LOT to offer. don't let yourself be so wrapped up in what YOU see in yourself. You have an amazing heart... If you let people see you ... your heart your soul... then the perfect mate is not far behind that... :)

Anonymous said...

Glad to see you back!

Lady in red said...

don't let yourself be so wrapped up in what YOU see in yourself. You have an amazing heart... If you let people see you ... your heart your soul... then the perfect mate is not far behind that... :)

this is something I am struggling with too.....I love it when fit guys tell me how sexy they find me ....but later when I am alone the doubts start in could anyone special like this.....but of course deep down I know that if they are special then they will love me as I am....and anyway I am special so why wouldn't they