Friday, October 19, 2007

Out And Out Of Sorts

This picture came up for "Out Of Sorts" and I rather like it, so here it is. I'm starting to look like the figure in the middle (except my cock is a lot bigger) but I'm still unsatisfied. I talked to the owner of my gym and he said "You want to lose the fat on your abs there's only one way. EAT. CLEAN. No carbs for 12 weeks, and an hour of cardio every day. That's it. Do that and you'll find out what your abs look like." FUCK. That's NOT what I wanted to hear. I've been fucking around with lowering my fat, limiting sugar, excercising my ass off (literally) but can't lose the fat on my stomach. Since carbs are comfort food and I'm depressed as it is that's sort of daunting. Why am I depressed? Who the fuck knows? Since when do I need a reason? I'm pretty sure I'm bi-polar to begin with (whatever the fuck THAT half-assed psychobabble diagnosis means) so whatev, yo. Bottom line: I'm off to key west for 4 days on a Harley but I can't smoke, drink, do drugs, fuck dodgy women OR eat what I want. What sort of vacation is THAT? Why the hell am I doing all this again? So since I can't do ANY of the things I enjoy I can at least spend money foolishly flying to Flordia, renting Harleys and getting tattooed in Key West. 'Cause I'm ALL about the STYLE yo. yo. Maybe I'll buy a guitar in Miami.


Anonymous said...

Really? This is something you would like to look like?
I'm not so sure that many women will say that they like that... well... I don't... lolololol... So, here is a first comforting comment... ;-)

lime said...

dude, i say eat the carbs, you look great.

have a good enjoy the bike for me too. i'm aching for a ride lately.

Anonymous said...

You'll actually start feeling better (less depressed) when you stop eating the carbs. It gets worse before it gets better, so I'd start now. But if you can get past the initial "blah" period (and headaches... I get withdrawal headaches!) you will start having SO much more energy.

Cut out the white stuff... rice, potatoes, white flour, sugar, etc.