Friday, September 21, 2007

Pulled Over!

Well, I may have mentioned there's a downside to being sober and that is I now drive like a crazy person. I do violence to the letter and spirit of every traffic law daily. The only surprising thing about being pulled over was that it took so long. At 2:30 AM coming home from the recording studio I was easily doing 70 in a 30. Admittedly there was no one on the road but me and the cop. I was polite, I was respectful, I was legal (paperwork-wise) and most importantly I was sober. And...he lemme go! I almost said out loud "You're kidding!" I'm mean, driver, I was FLYIN. He must have not had radar. So there ya go. There's no substitute for being sober when you get pulled over for driving like a nut. He was lookin for trouble, too. What's in the box (nothing) what WAS in the box (change) what's under the hat (nothing) MOVE the hat (see? nothing) On Your Way Buddy. Phew! Oh yeah, the REASON I was coming home so late is I was FINALLY finishing the CD I've been working on for so long. 'Twill be for sale SOON! Happy Friday!


S said...

Ooh I just love it when cops think they gotcha then they dont.
Why there was this one time on the Joisey Toinpike way back in '87, the Rat and I got pulled over for "driving in the fast lane for too long" that, "you have a hippie van, you have pot, get out, we are searching your car for no reason"

Whaddya think? Im stupid? Of course not! I didn't have any pot in my hippie van. That woulda been much too obvious. 45 minutes later, door panels removed, half molested by a cop because he needed to search me even though I was wearing a bikini top and a skirt ONLY.......
They got nothing...they had to let us go. It was worth every second to see the looks on those 6 yes 6 cops faces when they got NOTHING......

Lori Stewart Weidert said...

Explaining that you're distracted because your son just got back from Iraq works too. That, and the "I am a mother of a U.S. soldier" bumper sticker.

Moosekahl said...

No way! That's awesome. I got the lights and the pointed down finger yesterday from the park ranger police as I flew around the curves of Rocky Mountain National Park way above the posted 35 mph and 15 mph signs...

Winterswan said...

Wow. Nice that he let you go; he must have preferred a better catch! Cruisin' for a nice DUI or something. I love not having to worry about that sort of thing anymore. My brother took me for a ride in a supercharged Mustang Cobra while I was on the Cape. WOW!!!!! It's scary to have that much power around you, but just an awesome rush at the same time!

jillie said...

Been there done that and the look on their face is priceless! And the fact that they just don't know what to say!