Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Talk Like A Pirate

What kind of Pirate am I? I scored as a Captain Jack Sparrow. What a surprise. "You are definitely quirky and often mistaken for mad but if anyone is truly paying attention they can see there is method to your madness. You try really hard to be bad but in the end you tend to do the right thing." Yup, that's me. What kind of Pirate are you?

Arrr! It be Talk Like A Pirate Day again! Everyone be bloggin it and talkin it up with their best pirate accent, arr! Especially arr! By the way my new tattoo is going to be a variation of this Jolly Roger Icon, Arr! I be hoping y'all will like it! Also, tomorrow shall be another gym based HNT possibly featuring Lilly the Lake Placid Blue Fender Stratocaster. Arr! It be hard to say that with a pirate accent! Arr!


lime said...

arrrg matey, haul yer scurvy carcass to my place and tell me which pirate ye be. and tell me if ye be willing to serve under me.

Joanna Cake said...

Mmmm, I love a Johnny Depp-style pirate :) Looking forward to the HNT. I have finally succumbed and done one of my own... x

kimber said...

Arg, I be Mary Read! Yo ho!

And to answer yer question from me blog: ye can see if ye are related to Niall of the Nine Hostages by lookin' on Wikipedia, for there be a list of Irish surnames which claim lineage! Yar!

Anonymous said...

I for got Talk Like A Pirate Day AGAIN? (pout)