Friday, August 3, 2007

Bummer. Fraud.

Well, the first of two new guitars arrived today and it is in fact NOT the guitar I paid $900 for. It's a cheap assed Mexican knockoff. There was no real way to tell from the pictures and I think the woman who sold it to me did so in good faith (believing it to be what the hand written paperwork claimed) but it's not. So I sent her an email and we'll see if I end up totally ripped off or just out the price of the shipping. I'd sure like to see that $900 again... If not I guess it isn't the end f the world. It's hardly a greeat guitar but it's not totally unusable. Maybe I'll light it on fire and smash it at the next show LOL BTW apropos of nothing I really want to drink today. There was this really drunk guy falling all over himself at the show last night and I was disgusted but today my disease is telling me to BE that guy. Sad. I'm just lonely and depressed and I want some love and failing that I want to bash my brains out on the rocks at the bottom of a glass full of alcohol. Welcome to my world.


Joanna Cake said...

Ah, the downside to buying unseen off the internet :(

Bittersweet said...

oh no. bummer indeed.

lime said...

i'm thinking it would be better to smash the hell out of the guitar....if it helps

Snow White said...

I feel your pain. Truly I do.

Anonymous said...

Hummm... If it can help you feel better about the money, I lost 5,000$ at the end of a "boyfriend", with nothing to do than accept the loss... I survived... ;-)
About love... it surely won't happen while you are crumbling down from drinking... Even in my worst time, I wasn't picking up the heavy drinkers... lololol...