Wednesday, August 15, 2007


I chose this picture because google didn't come back with anything good for LAME. As in "I Am Lame". I will now probably come out first on a google search of "I Am Lame" which is ridiculously appropriate. I am weak and lame because all I do here is complain. Can't I do anything useful for fuck's sake? I'm pissed off at the world for stupid shit that's mostly my own fault. I'm alone and lonely. Why? Because the woman I really want left me for her stupid fucking job and I don't want to sleep with the most of women who want to sleep with me. The ones I do want to sleep with are either too beautiful and sane to sleep with me or too far away for me to seriously consider a relationship with which is more or less required at my age for good regular sex. All this makes me want to drink or commit suicide which is more or less the same thing except one takes longer than the other. Also I hate my stupid band. Oh, we sound OK and everyone seems to like us but every club we play they say "We don't like your music. so don't come back." What? WTF? Since when do you know anything or give a fuck about MUSIC?!?!?! We bring people out and they drink your overpriced crappy alcohol and as long as we're playing no one leaves. WTF else do you want? Furthermore these dildos can't say what they WANT only that they don't like what we DO. Thanks a lot fucktards. Way to go. Even my problems are weak and lame. That's it? You have your health, your family, your friends, your job, your sobriety, lots of dates, a nice apartment, a new car, lots of beautiful guitars and other musical toys, a fucking YACHT you don't even USE...WTF! What a DICK! Therefore I am weak and lame. Now fuck me.


lime said... from people qualified to offer it while those of us who are friends stand behind you

Unknown said...

I agree with Lime... You did a lot to go better on your own, and some changes are hard to go through...